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Image by City of Gold Coast
Find your dream nursing or medical job in Queensland, Australia.

Register with Genius Health today.


Your Queensland Job Hunt Starts Here.


Genius Health is dedicated to helping Nurses and Doctors to find 'great fit' jobs with the highest competitive pay rates for Agency Nurses and Doctors in Queensland and across all Australian states. 
Are you a Registered Nurse, Doctor or Allied Health Professional looking for a new job in
Queensland? Genius Health can help you find the perfect role for your skills and experience. We have a wide range of Nursing, Medical and Allied Health vacancies available, from ad-hoc, contract and permanent, in Brisbane Metro areas and Regional, Rural and Remote Queensland locations.
Whether you're looking for a job in a public or private hospital, a specialist clinic, or a
community setting, we have something to offer. In addition to Nursing roles, Genius Health also places medical professionals across Queensland, with roles ranging from Generalist GPs to specialist roles across Queensland in Brisbane Metro, Regional, Rural and Remote Queensland. We also cater to experienced Allied Health Professionals to find the right short or long-term contract to suit you. 


Why Genius Health?


Established in 2006, Genius Health was founded by Australian Nurses and Health IT
Professionals who saw a need to deliver online supportive career opportunities for Nurses, Medical, and Allied Health Professionals. With global Healthcare Recruitment Experience both in Queensland and the UK, today we have developed into a Specialist Healthcare Recruitment Agency working in Queensland and across Australia.


Here at Genius Health, we offer:

  • A Brisbane based company that has deep understanding of the Queensland healthcare market and a network of trusted employers to maximise your opportunities.

  • First-hand knowledge of Nurses' and health professionals' needs, and the ability to work with you to find the right role to meet your needs and lifestyle. 

  • The provision of 24/7 support throughout both the recruitment process and when you’re working to ensure that you are set up for success.

Browse some of our vacancies and register your interest today

Contact Us

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Queensland Lifestyle and Work/ Life Balance

Flexibility: Short Term Contracts to Perm roles

Competitive Rates above Award Wages 

Allowances & Benefits for Rural & Remote roles

Your Benefits from Securing a Role in Queensland with Genius Health:

 I began my career as a nurse. Today, I live with my family in Brisbane and have the opportunity to support others to find roles in this wonderful state. I am passionate about helping to place people in roles that work for them, their families, and their life. ”

Margaret O'Callaghan 

Co-Founder of Genius Health

© 2023 GeniusHealth. Nursing Recruitement Agency for Australian Nursing Jobs. 

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